Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Lesson 10 Discussion Abnormal Psychology

Lesson 10 Discussion Abnormal Psychology

Q If you believe it is appropriate to label the use by some people of video games or the internet as an addiction, why? What criteria should be used to determine a particular person is presenting with this addiction? How might someone explain this addiction using the behavioral perspective, and how and what would this imply about treatment? If you don’t believe this is actually an addiction, why? Aside from a video game or the internet not being an actual “substance,” what criteria for a substance use disorder does this behavior not meet? Is this behavior better explained by some other type of disorder?

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In my personal opinion and experience, it can be said that video games can be classified as an addiction and I believe that it really impacts the daily lifestyle of a person to a great extend. Drug and alcohol addictions are the substances that can cause health problems and even is in the focus of attention to most of the people around us but when it comes to video games, it does not really seem to make a person realize that when it has taken over the control of them.